Guide to referees

The editors and reviewers, by providing prompt and authoritative review, aim to optimize the quality of the published articles. All submitted manuscripts are firstly reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or Associate Editors.
With the exception of submissions that are outside the scope of the journal or do not have sufficient merit to warrant further review, manuscripts will generally be sent to at least two reviewers.
The journal operates a single-blind peer review system. The identities of the reviewers are kept confidential, while the reviewers can see the author names, affiliations, and conflicts of interest during the review process.
Reviewers are asked to provide confidential comments regarding the importance, originality, and scientific merit of the manuscript, and to suggest revisions that will improve the article where appropriate.

The editors adhere to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, which can be found at:
Charges of academic dishonesty will be managed according to COPE Guidelines.