About the Journal

Annals of Vascular Diseases (AVD) is an online Open Access journal with a continuous publication model, reporting advances in medical, surgical, and endovascular science in vascular diseases. The journal is sponsored by the three societies: the Japanese College of Angiology, the Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery, and the Japanese Society of Phlebology. AVD is also the official journal of the Asian Society for Vascular Surgery and the Asian Venous Forum.

Journal data

  • Publisher: Japanese College of Angiology, Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery and Japanese Society of Phlebology
  • Published articles: 2,184 (as of December 1, 2024)
  • Issue cycle: continuous publication
  • ISSN (Print): 1881-641X
  • ISSN (Online): 1881-6428

Aims and scope

Annals of Vascular Diseases (AVD) publishes Open Access, peer-reviewed original research articles, reviews, case reports, clinical trials, and methods in vascular research and allied fields. Topics include vascular and endovascular surgery, vascular medicine, peripheral vascular disease, and venous and lymphatic disease. Epidemiology, exercise, genetics, translational biology, health services, and transplantation related to vascular science are also considered.

The journal encourages authors anywhere in the world to submit original and important work on clinical and other investigations relating to vascular diseases and angiology. The editors are especially interested in articles that provide clues to the underlying causes of disease or lead to effective treatments. AVD also welcomes articles that provide conceptual breakthroughs.

As the official journal of the Japanese College of Angiology, the Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery, and the Japanese Society of Phlebology, the journal publishes peer-reviewed annual reports and selected papers presented at the annual society meetings, as well as original articles from members and non-members.

Bylaws of Organization


Article 1. Name

The name is “The Editorial Committee of Annals of Vascular Diseases”.

Article 2. Office

The office is located in International Academic Publishing Co. Ltd., Publishing Center, 332-6 Yamabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo162-0801, Japan.

Article 3. Purpose

The purpose of the Organization is to disseminate, world-wide, progress in angiology research in Asia.

Article 4. Activities

  1. Receipt and control of manuscripts, peer-review, and editing.
  2. Continuous publication of “Annals of Vascular Diseases” articles throughout the year.


Article 5. Members

The Organization shall have, at all times, Editorial Board Members recommended by the following societies:

  • ASVS (Asian Society for Vascular Surgery)
  • AVF (Asian Venous Forum)
  • JCA (Japanese College of Angiology)
  • JSVS (The Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery)
  • JSP (Japanese Society of Phlebology)

Article 6. Executives

The Committee shall have, at all times, one Editor-in-Chief and three or more Associate Editors.

Article 7. Elections

  • The term of an Editorial Board Member is three years. The first term is from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2015. A review of the term shall be conducted during the Editorial Board Meeting, in the autumn or during the ASVS annual meeting in the third year of the term.
  • Appointment of an editorial board member from societies listed in Article 5 requires an invitation and ratification from the Editorial Board.
  • An Editorial Board Member who is 65 or over as of the end of March shall join Advisory Board from the following April. The term and a review of the term of Advisory Board Members is the same with that of Editorial Board Members. If an Advisory Board Member declines to continue to participating in Advisory Board or if he/she does not reply to the committee’s contact, the Advisory Board Member shall leave the Editorial Committee.

Article 8. Duties and Authority of Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors and Editorial Board Members

  • Editor-in-Chief shall represent the Organization, preside at meetings, and conduct overall management of affairs concerning the Organization. For peer-review of submitted manuscripts, the Editor-in-Chief appoints Associate Editors.
  • Associate Editors shall support the Editor-in-Chief by selecting reviewers and making recommendations for submitted manuscripts.
  • Editorial Board Members shall support the Editor-In-Chief and Associate Managers by participating in the peer-review process and attending meetings.
  • Advisory Board Members shall give advice and suggestions to the Editorial Committee regarding operating the journal.

Article 9. Compensation

The Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Editorial Board Members serve without compensation. In case an AVD board member is not a member of Japanese College of Angiology or Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery, travel expenses for attending board meetings during annual meetings of each society will be covered by this committee. This committee shall bear the other expenses necessary for organizational matters.


Article 10. Editorial Board Meeting

  • Editorial Board Meetings shall be held every year during the Annual Meeting of Japanese College of Angiology (Japan), the Annual Meeting of Asian Society for Vascular Surgery (Host Country), and the Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery (Japan).
  • Associate Editors Meeting shall be held as required.

Article 11. Extraordinary Meeting

  • Extraordinary Meetings or Conferences by e-mail shall be convened by Editor-in-Chief at his discretion, when needed.


Article 12. Funding

The Organization is funded by subsidies from three sponsoring Japanese societies (Japanese College of Angiology, The Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery, Japanese Society of Phlebology), advertisement revenue, and offprint circulation income.

Article 13. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Committee shall commence on April 1 of each year and end on March 31 of the following year, and year-end closing procedures shall be performed as of the end of each fiscal year.

Article 14. Accounting Report

  • The Committee shall make an accounting report once a year at the Editorial Board Meeting in autumn and obtain approval from the Board.
  • The Committee shall provide the accounting report to the three sponsoring Japanese societies at their request or, the Committee shall provide the accounting report to the three sponsoring societies after approval of the Organization.


The Bylaws take effect as of May 25, 2012.

Revised on December 21, 2015.

Editorial Board


Juno Deguchi
Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan

Associate Editors

Stephen Cheng
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
Akihiro Hosaka
Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center, Japan
Katsuyuki Hoshina
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Young-Wook Kim
Samsung Medical Center, Korea
Jun Koizumi
Tokai University, Japan
Masataka Sata
Tokushima University, Japan
Norihiko Shiiya
Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan
Hideyuki Shimizu
Keio University, Japan
Yoshiko Watanabe
Kawasaki Medical School, Japan
Norikazu Yamada
Kuwana City Medical Center, Japan
Kenichi Yokoyama
Kyorin University, Japan
Kohei Akazawa (Statistical Consulting Editor)
Niigata University, Japan

Editorial Board Members

Abdulkarim Al-Ameri
Sanaa University, Yemen
Mussaad al-Salman
King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Louay Altarazi
Orient Society of Vascular Surgery, Syria
Takayuki Asahara
Tokai University, Japan
Enrico Ascher
NYU Langone Health, U.S.
Jean-Pierre Becquemin
Hôpital Henri Mondor, France
Ahmet Kürşat Bozkurt
Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Turkey
Jan Brunkwall
University of Cologne, Germany
Niaz Ahmed Choudhury
Asian Society for Vascular Surgery
Murnizal Dahlan
University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Tarun Grover
Medanta, India
Dong-Ik Kim
Samsung Medical Center, Korea
Hiroyoshi Komai
Kansai Medical University, Japan
Kimihiro Komori
Nagoya University, Japan
Issei Komuro
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Toshifumi Kudo
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
Byung-Boong Lee
George Washington University, U.S.
Leong Yew Pung
Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
James May
The University of Sydney, Australia
In Sung Moon
The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Pramook Mutirangura
Mahidol University, Thailand
Hitoshi Ogino
Tokyo Medical University, Japan
Takao Ohki
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Japan
Peter Robless
Robless Vascular Surgery, Singapore
Josefino Sanchez
University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Philippines
Hirono Satokawa
Fukushima Medical University, Japan
Chun Che Shih
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan
Henrik Sillesen
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Bauer Sumpio
Yale University, U.S.
Shen Ming Wang
Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Hiroyoshi Yokoi
Fukuoka Sanno Hospital, Japan
Yoshikazu Yonemitsu
Kyushu University, Japan

Advisory Board

Hideo Adachi
Nerima Hikarigaoka Hospital, Japan
Ricardo Etcheverry
Asociación Médica Argentina, Argentine
Peter Gloviczki
Mayo Clinic, U.S.
Tsuneo Ishiguchi
Aichi Medical University, Japan
Takehisa Iwai
Tsukuba Vascular Center, Japan
Kimihiko Kichikawa
Nara Medical University Hospital, Japan
Sachio Kuribayashi
HIMEDIC Imaging Center at Lake Yamanaka, Japan
Mauri Lepäntalo
University of Helsinki, Finland
Masunori Matsuzaki
Yamaguchi University, Japan
Tetsuro Miyata
Sanno Medical Center, Japan
Toshio Ohhashi
Shinshu University, Japan
Takashi Ohta
Daiyukai Daiichi Hospital, Japan
Osamu Sato
Saitama Medical University, Japan
Hiroshi Shigematsu
International University of Health & Welfare, Japan
Shoei-Shen Wang
National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
Yoshio Yazaki
International University of Health & Welfare, Japan
Masao Yoshizumi
Hiroshima University, Japan