Annals of Vascular Diseases (AVD) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal publishing articles on vascular disease. Published continuously online, the journal is fully indexed in J-STAGE and PubMed Central. AVD welcomes submissions from around the world.


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AVD is an official journal of Asian Society for Vascular Surgery (ASVS) and Asian Venous Forum, sponsored by Japanese College of Angiology, Japanese Society for Vascular Surgery and the Japanese Society of Phlebology.

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Case ReportFebruary 12, 2025

Laparoscopic Resection of an Unruptured Aneurysm of the Right Gastric Artery

Keiichiro Kawamura, Munetaka Hashimoto, Hiroko Sato, Shinichiro Horii, Atsumi Kosaka, Yoshihisa Tamate, Yuji Goukon

We report a case of a 68-year-old female patient with an 8-mm right gastric artery aneurysm. The attempt at endovascular treatment was unsuccessful and therefore the patient underwent laparoscopic surgery for the resection of the unruptured right gastric artery aneurysm. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient is currently under observation as an outpatient. Although endovascular treatment is the first choice for treatment of unruptured right gastric aneurysms, laparoscopic surgery offers advantages such as less invasiveness, anatomical accessibility, and the ability to perform histopathological examination, making it an effective treatment option when endovascular treatment is difficult.

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Original ArticleFebruary 5, 2025

Objectives: The objective of this research was to examine the occurrence, clinical features, treatment approaches, and results associated with a rare complication of thrombosis of the popliteal artery after total knee arthroplasty (TKA), leading to acute limb ischemia (ALI).
Methods: A retrospective study on 1020 TKA procedures spanning 5 years. Cases of ALI were identified through clinical evaluation and arterial Doppler studies. Peripheral angioplasty was done to recanalize the popliteal artery. Manifestations, complications, and management strategies were evaluated.
Results: Among the 1020 TKA cases, 5 cases of ALI were identified which accounts for 0.49% of all TKA cases. Female predominance and left-sided presentations are notable observations. Most patients presented within 8 hours of symptom onset with diverse complications ranging from foot drop to compartment syndrome. Except for 1 case, all patients recovered with thrombosuction and balloon dilatation.
Conclusions: A rare but potentially fatal complication of TKA is popliteal artery thrombosis leading to ALI so it becomes important for early recognition and intervention to mitigate the adverse outcomes. In our study, endovascular treatment has emerged as the preferred modality in terms of effective management and reducing complications and morbidity from surgical procedures.

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Original ArticleJanuary 24, 2025

The Practice of Percutaneous EVAR under Local Anesthesia

Yuika Kameda, Naohiko Nemoto, Bon Inoue, Satoru Takaesu, Hiroki Takenaka, Yoshinori Nagashima, Hitoshi Anzai

Objectives: Endovascular aortic repair (EVAR) should be performed using a less invasive procedure based on the patient’s clinical condition, as many patients who undergo this procedure are elderly and have poor surgical tolerance. We report our experience and results of percutaneous EVAR under local anesthesia in order to practice minimally invasive EVAR at our hospital.
Methods: In August 2019, we started percutaneous EVAR using Perclose ProGlide under local anesthesia. We compared the backgrounds and surgical outcomes of patients who underwent EVAR at our hospital before and after the introduction of percutaneous EVAR under local anesthesia.
Results: We included 148 patients in this study. The age at surgery and prevalence of severe renal dysfunction were significantly higher in percutaneous EVAR under local anesthesia group. The operative time and postoperative hospital stay were significantly shorter in the percutaneous EVAR group under local anesthesia.
Conclusions: The introduction of percutaneous EVAR under local anesthesia enabled minimally invasive EVAR to be performed safely even in high-risk patients. (This is a translation of J Jpn Coll Angiol 2022; 62: 1–5.).

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Review ArticleJanuary 21, 2025

The underlying mechanisms of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) are not fully understood. Given the multifactorial nature of AAA development and progression, a comprehensive approach is essential. Throughout my academic career, I conducted various studies on AAA. To better understand this mechanism, I initially developed an elastase-infused rat AAA model and applied it to nanoparticle drug delivery systems. While open surgery has traditionally been the standard treatment for AAA, endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) has seen significant advancements over the past 25 years. However, insufficient evidence exists regarding this novel treatment, particularly in Japan. To address this issue, we analyzed extensive datasets on EVAR using various registries, including the Japanese Committee for Stent Graft Management. Furthermore, through medical–engineering collaboration, simulation methods were utilized to generate evidence addressing clinical questions encountered in practice.

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Original ArticleJanuary 21, 2025

The Effectiveness of Surgical Thrombectomy via Below-Knee Popliteal Artery for the Treatment of Acute Limb Ischemia

Kentaro Kasa, Takao Ohki, Kota Shukuzawa, Soichiro Fukushima, Hirotsugu Ozawa, Makiko Omori, Yoshihiko Chono, Hiromasa Tachihara

Objectives: Surgical thrombectomy has been established as an effective treatment for acute limb ischemia (ALI). Nevertheless, manipulation via the common femoral artery (CFA) to retrieve thrombus in the infra-popliteal artery sometimes proves less effective.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients undergoing surgical thrombectomy for infra-inguinal ALI from January 2010 to December 2022. The primary endpoint was the rate of amputation. Secondary endpoints were technical and clinical success rates, incidence of distal embolism, and freedom from reintervention.
Results: A total of 35 patients underwent surgical thrombectomy where the popliteal artery or below is occluded. The CFA approach was utilized in 13, and the below-knee popliteal artery (BKPA) approach in 22. There were no differences in background between groups. The reintervention rate was lower in the BKPA group (BKPA group: 0% vs. CFA group: 30.8%; P = 0.01). The BKPA group showed a significantly lower incidence of distal embolism (BKPA group: 4.5% vs. CFA group: 38.5%; P = 0.02) and freedom from reintervention (BKPA group 100% at 12 months vs. CFA group: 68.7% at 12 months; log-rank P = 0.01).
Conclusions: The BKPA approach-first strategy for surgical thrombectomy in the management of ALI is feasible with better outcomes compared with the CFA approach.

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Case ReportJanuary 21, 2025

Intravenous Leiomyomatosis of the Uterus Extending to the Right Atrium: A Case Report

Kaori Katsumata, Yasunori Iida, Kento Kuroo, Yu Inaba, Takahisa Miki, Takashi Hachiya, Hideyuki Shimizu

Intravenous leiomyomatosis (IVL) remains scarcely reported, and complete tumor resection is the recommended treatment. Herein, we present a comprehensive review of the case of a 52-year-old woman who suffered from recurrent syncope episodes due to IVL with intracardiac extension to the right atrium. Partial tumor resection and postoperative hormone therapy were conducted first. However, the 6-month postoperative follow-up computed tomography scan revealed a tendency for the IVL to increase in size, and complete resection was conducted. In this article, we would like to emphasize that partial resection followed by hormone therapy is insufficient for IVL, and complete resection should be chosen.

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